Work with me
My Story...
Hello gorgeous soul!
I have created this space to support people to open their life up to more vitality and healing. I know that therapy and intuitive coaching have incredible power for lasting and significant change.I believe therapy is for everyone and necessary for an aligned and authentic life.
Most of us come into this world knowing we are whole and loveable, with a healthy nervous system. Along the way we have learnt we need to prove ourselves worthy in order to feel safe and loved, which is a collective traumatic wound.
As our life unfolds, we collect many small t and big T traumas that throw our nervous system into disarray.
We are seeing a cultural epidemic of chronic stress and trauma, resulting in a wide range of health issues. I remember as a child feeling something was wrong with me and as I got older I had numerous health issues from IBS and anxiety to depression and addictive behaviour.
Everything came to a head in my 20's when I was hit with ME (Chronic fatigue CFS) and set on a path of recovery which changed my life beyond what I could have imagined.
After years of ignoring my body and soul and suppressing my emotions, I found myself in crisis and realised that these symptoms were a message that my life was making me sick!
I would learn that healing is in fact about learning who I am and how to be authentic in the world...an ongoing lesson.
From my own experience I have found therapy, spirituality and nutrition to be a necessary part of understanding why I became ill and how to create a healthier and fulfilling life.
Learning to set boundaries and reprogram my old identity patterns has been essential. So much of my identity was based on over-giving and proving my worth. Sound familiar?
I am passionate about sharing what I have discovered so others don't have to struggle and feel hopeless.
Change is possible.
Everything I share with clients is a part of my own healing journey.
When I started training in hypnotherapy and EFT, I was amazed by the way it calmed the nervous system, allowing people to enter a healing state.
I have always known that I wanted to have a career that helped people, as well as being creative and challenging. After over ten years in the voluntary sector and a background in Fine art, Philosophy and critical theory, I have found my home.
I feel truly grateful to have discovered therapies and approaches that continuously amaze me. I have the gift of seeing incredible changes in the lives of clients as well as profound shifts in my own life.
Therapists are always growing and healing, we don't have it all figured out. I believe that our gift is to help you find your inner strength and awaken the
healing and growth ability that all humans have.
I am committed to ongoing personal therapy, supervisions and self-exploration, to support my own growth. I strongly believe that this is a requirement in being able to hold space for other people and facilitate healing.
Life inevitably throws difficult things our way, but we can all learn to be kind to ourselves and see therapy and relaxation as a way to maintain or regain balance.
I believe that showing ourselves compassion and feeling content is a lifelong journey and at times a bit of a rollercoaster!
What might your unique path look like, feel like?
It really is all about what feels right for you, and I would love to help you find your path and give your soul the space it longs for and deserves.
I am here to help you to discover your soul!

Is this work calling to you?
Soul Space therapy is here to guide your next steps using tried and tested approaches.
No one session or pathway is the same, all sessions are bespoke to your unique journey.
There is no one else quite like you, it's time to remind you how powerful you are!
Get in touch to explore your pathway to a healthier, happier and fuller life.
Exploration call
An exploration call is a chance to tell me what brings you to this work and learn more about
how I can help you.
There is no obligation to book, and I will do my best to support you to find the right practitioner.
I'd love to hear from you.
Arrange payment
Give your soul the space it longs for...
Individual 60 min therapy session £70
Block of 3 sessions £200
Block of 6 sessions £397

Ethics. Integrity. Values
Eft and mindfulness centre accredited practitioner
Committed to regular supervision and peer support
Committed to continued professional development (CPD)